10 Ways to Build Your Holiday Giving Spirits
Every year I'm always trying to find ways to give back, or help volunteer or donate to those who are in need right now. I try to always include my children too, so they can start building a sense of giving into their lives. Last year I found a cute little gift that I gave them the week of Thanksgiving to help remind them to think of helping and giving first during the holidays. It's called The Giving Manger. The point of the giving manger is to be a silent reminder to think about being intentional with giving and helping out. My kids loving adding pieces of straw to the crib each time they do something thoughtful.
But you don't need a giving manger to start a tradition. Below are a few of my favorite things to do each holiday season to get in the spirit go love and giving.
1.) Adopt a needy family for the holidays. Let members of your family buy a present for the person closest to their own age. Also think about food, clothing or household items the family may need to get thru the season and after.
2.) Make a couple of homemade cards or treats and drop them off to your neighbors. This is a great time to get kiddos involved and let them make something special for your neighbors. Have them leave them at the door, ring the bell and run:)
3.) Carry extra $1.00’s, $5.00’s and $10.00’s this Holiday season and every time you see the Salvation Army Bell Ringer give them a little more than you would normally.
4.) Go into a local store and try to buy as many gifts for people on your list there. Not only will you find unique one of a kind gifts, but your purchase will directly help a small business and their family in your community.
5.) Compliment at least 3 people everyday. Even if it’s something small, make sure someone knows you think they are helpful, beautiful, crafty, etc. It will warm their hearts and yours.
6.) If it snows, go out and shovel or snow blow your driveway/walk way, and then go see who on your street hasn’t done theirs and do it for them.
7.) Have your kids make special treats for their teachers, bus drivers, and anyone else they come in contact with during the school day. Have them write in a card why they are grateful for that person.
8.) Pay it forward. When you are in line at the coffee shop, fast food, or even grocery store, offer to pay for the person behind you too.
9.) One of my favorites and has been a tradition for the last couple of years is to make sugar cookies for the fire stations and drop them off with “Thank You” Cards.
10.) Remember to be kind this season. Ask your family, friends, neighbors and even strangers how they are doing. Ask how you can help them. What would make their day. Everyone has struggled this year either emotionally, physically and many financially. Making people know you are available to help them or just listen to them with a kind heart will go a long way.
What are some of your favorite things to do at the holiday season to help brighten someones day? Leave a comment below and then share this post with your friends and family and start a new tradition this year!