Are you struggling with bad photos? I think I get told on a daily basis about how awful photo skills people have. All they want is to take better photos of their every day life. They want to have a great memoir for their kids, or themselves to look back on, but they give up way too early because they think they can't take good photos. People have many blocks when it comes to why they can't take better photos, so I'm here to MYTH BUST them for you!!!
Myth #1: My Photos never turn out how I want..So whats the point?
TRUTH:It takes some practice to get better..but YOU CAN!
As a professional photographer I know all too well the struggle to constantly produce amazing images. We all see them on Pinterest. Those drool worthy vacation photos someone just took with their iPhone. SERIOUSLY! COME ON. You scream..”WHY CAN’T THAT BE ME!!! All of my photos just turn out awful, so I stopped taking them.” If this sounds like you, I’m hear to bust your Myth that your photos will never turn out like that. If you are someone who just wants to get better photos of your kids, vacations, everyday life, you don’t need to struggle with confidence in taking photos anymore. I don’t always take great photos, but the key to getting better, is to really learn how to utilitize your camera’s abilities and your enviornment so you can fix any issues when they arise!
Myth #2: There is way too much software, and all of the equipment costs too much.
TRUTH: You don't need fancy software, or to buy a ton of equipment to get better. YOU are the reason you'll take better photos, not your equipment.
Unless you are doing this as your full time job or some other profession where you need to have all professional equipment and software, you can get amazing photos just by using the gear you have. You can take amazing photos on your iPhone if that is all you have! I promise!
Myth #3: This will take me YEARS to learn. I don’t have time for that! AUGH!!
TRUTH: You can spend just a small amount of time and instantly get better photos...(but you do need to spend some time)
To become an expert in anything, yes it will take time. But if you just want to quickly figure out how to take a better photo of your children playing outside, or during their school play, it doesn’t have to take you years to learn. There are seriously EASY steps to take to improve your photos in just minutes.
Myth #4: Oh Just Photoshop that, it’s simple right?
TRUTH: Photoshop can be an amazing thing, but it should NOT be the be all end all to your photos.
95% of the results you get in your photo should come straight from the camera. Learn how to use your camera properly and effectively and you won’t need to rely on any editing software to fix your bad photos. My Theory is, get your image how you want it in the camera, and you can spend more time doing what you love(taking photos of your loved ones, vacation, etc) and not in front of the computer fixing it for hours. Disclaimer: Your eyes and bum will thank you for not spending hours in front of a computer screen. YES somethings take HOURS to do in photoshop.
Myth 5: Click Play!!!!
Enjoy these Myths and the Truth bombs with them? Do you want to get over these Myths and Learn my tips? I'm hosting a FREE 5 day photo challenge starting December 14th? Go to to sign up. I promise I will teach you tips that DO NOT require extra software to create a good photo!
If you want to jump right in, I am doing an ONLINE Oh Snap Camera Class starting January 11th, 2016. This 4 week online course will provide you with PDF's, Videos and access to my exclusive Facebook Group so you can learn your camera at YOUR PACE. Get help and tips directly from me in the facebook group so you can get better in 2016! Registration goes LIVE December 11th, 2015 and you can get $50 off if you are one of the first 10 to sign up! Use Coupon Code: Ohsnap50 to get $50 off and get the class for only $199.