Even though it is the 13th of January already, I am going to write this post on New Years Resolution. Almost everyone writes something along these lines, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Makes you think back over the last year and really realize what you want to have happen this year. Now they say that Resolutions are usually abandoned by mid February(some a lot earlier), but I have taken a little while to really think about mine. Think about what they mean to me as a person, woman, wife, and mother. This is the first new years that I will be a mother. It is by far the best feeling in the world, and I am trying to make my resolutions match the goals and dreams
So with that being said, I have divided my resolutions into two categories; professional and personal. Some of these could overlap, but I thought was necessary to separate them to focus better. Here we go!
*Make my brand more effective and recognizable
*Write an actual business plan-(Yes, I don't have a physical written plan, it's in my "head"-yea that works-NOT)
*Become a better photographer- Specifically improve my lighting techniques, posing and Photoshop skills
*Blog more...and in return become a better writer
*Receive 4 merits at the International Print Competition, and 2 images nominated into the Loan Collection
*Become the Premier High School Senior Portrait Artist in Jackson, Mid-Michigan, All of Michigan and THE WORLD(insert evil villain laugh here)
*Become a healthier eater-Then this leads into #2
*Get a BETTER body than my pre-baby body(My son is now 10 months old-Gotta get moving on this one!)
*Take more time for me(so I don't totally go insane)
*Don't work 24/7-let it go sometimes
*Spend more QUALITY time with my son and husband-and I caps quality as this means no work, no business, nothing..just time with them.
*Change my mentality and get rid of excuses- JUST DO IT! This one will be the hardest as I am a glass half empty type of girl.
So to all of you who actually read this blog that has NO photos in it. I thank you. Please feel free to leave a comment with one or more of your resolutions and I will try to help you keep on track!:) Sometimes you need a buddy!
I hope 2013 is your best year yet!