Wouldn’t it be great if we could give our children a better sense of self? Teach them to see past what everyone tells them is imperfect, or "needs work"? What if we could provide someone with a positive understanding of who they are and what they care about AND that who they are MATTERS?! And what if you could give them this feeling EVERY SINGLE DAY before they head out the door for school, work, practice, or times with friends?
That would be pretty magical wouldn't it?
My mission is to help teens and young adults gain confidence and self-love through portrait art and beautiful products they can see everyday that express their authentic personalities. This is key to helping build their self-esteem, and creates a positive foundation to accept their unique gifts, so they can learn to share them with the world.
That is exactly why I created the Younger Years Session! This session is specially designed for young children and teens to help build their self-esteem, teach them to truly see their uniqueness, and show them their beauty.
If there is one thing I can remember from my child hood, it's being able to see our portraits, hanging up in my parent’s house. I may not remember the exact time I woke up that day, or the week or month before or after. But I remember that session. I remember those times with my family and sisters who I was getting photos with. I remember feeling happy, loved, and accepted. As my two older sisters and I have grown, and now started our own families, each time we are home, I can still see our portraits as we grew, hanging on our parent’s wall. I get to relive that memory, and that time with my family and hold it dear once again. That is what portrait art does to me.
How will you let it help you? How will you let it help your children? Can your children see their magnificence, happy times, and uniqueness on your wall each day?
One of my favorite and simplest products for teens is a wall portrait. It's a way to show off the beautiful portraits that were created during their teen session, and give them a sense of belonging. This is especially true if they have older siblings that may be on the wall already. It also helps instill in them more confidence because EVERYDAY they can see an image they love, feel good about, and know it's hanging on your wall for everyone to see!
It's my favorite kind of product and I love designing wall concepts for my families so they can get the exact look they want on their wall while also impacting their child’s self-esteem in such a positive way!
Do you have wall portraits in your home?
If you find yourself saying, "we need to get a photo of you up". Or "I really wish we had some photos of you in your dance/sports/favorite dress(insert teens favorite thing here). Or do you want to give your child a serious boost in their self-esteem? Then my new Younger Years session is something that you will love! Head to the website to read more about it. If you want to learn more, shoot me an email at carrie@freelandphotos.com or call 517-392-1190