The Senior Experience
Why Settle for Senior Pictures that are just ok?
You worked hard to get here...You deserve to have an amazing portrait experience to remember this time in your life.
Senior Portraits Are Really Special....
Special for the senior because THIS IS IT! This is your last year of high school, no matter if you are ready to sprint for the hills or are loving every last min. This is the last year of everything you have known.
Special for the parents because you have seen this small child now turn into a young adult. You have watched them take their first steps, learn to run, be challenged, learn lessons, be heartbroken, be ecstatic, be scared. Now you get to see them start to run into being an adult and take everyone you have taught them over the last 18 years into their own life.
Special for family, friends and teachers. The people who have cheered you on along the way. The people who have been there for you when it felt like you were alone. The teachers, coaches, staff. All of these people have made some soft of impact on your life.
Special for ME....This is my favorite session by far. There is a reason why I have specialized mostly in senior portraits for the last 15 years. It's like having my family grow each year and being able to see all of my seniors go on to do such big things in this world. I try to be the person I wish I had growing up. The person who will show you the real you. The you that is hidden under all of the emotions, the masks, and the uncertainty. The You that can take on all of your dreams, the challenges, the losses, the heartbreaks and still come out a better person. The You that is stronger than you think. These sessions are special to me because I get to see all of my seniors flourish and bloom. There really is no better thing for me.
The Senior Portrait Process