I'm a list person. I like lists, I make lists, I often lose them, but I LOVE checking things off lists. I am a notorious To-Do List maker. I have about 3-4 different apps on my iPhone or iPad to help me make this easier! Today was one of those days that had about 45 things on it. So Today was a Yoga Pant Day!
As my husband is all too aware, I wear Yoga pants ALL THE TIME! Basically since I still can't fit into my "skinny" jeans(see posts about my new baby back from MARCH!), I wear yoga pants. I like to buy those long sweaters that you were with leggings..but instead I wear them with Yoga pants. I hear the joke quiet often from John(My hubby), "Oh you did Yogurt(his word for Yoga) this morning?" Ya- well when you are a owner of your own business, run a household, and are a stay at home mom, you tend to get caught up in things and then all of a sudden it's dinner time. I did always try to tell myself that I wouldn't run out of the house without some sort of make-up on and at least a pair of jeans.
Well today was definitely a yoga pant, no make-up, errand running kind of day. I had high hopes for my portraits today, and I added it to my list(like #15) but like every time, my list takes way to long. Then all of a sudden 7:30pm and my son is getting ready for bed and I look down and there are those stretchy tight black things I put on at 6am(after I showered of course!). Awesome!
Because my hair is so long, I get really irritated when it's in my face when I'm this crazy running around my house. Who am I kidding, if you know me, then my hair is like this 98% of the time. So I do what I like to call the "awesome dancer bun". Although I don't have the awesome dancer physique or tight hair bun to consider what I look like awesome, I still pressed on and went out to run an errand. Some days you have to just tell yourself, "It's just one of those days". I think once you feel comfortable with that, and don't want to hide under the bed, your life will be much happier. I did throw on a coat of mascara and some lip balm(the balm I later realized was a crazy light pink color that did not go well with my look today).
So in light of my day and the all mighty high bun, that is what my photos are. A depiction of what I feel like right now. Tired, drained, and sick of my hair in my face! GET OUT OF MY FACE! I also did some butterfly lighting on myself since I don't do that often and want to work on it. There is a logical and educational reason behind my madness and self-portraits!
If you look closely in the first pic, you see Kitty Dump in the background! She likes to explore in my studio. So I grabbed her for a pic!
Dec 8, 2012, 1:46:07 AM
Pouchie! - You are so beautiful! love these pics. They show so much emotion. love it. I really like the two black and whites where you are staring straight and then screaming with your eyes closed. Nice work my friend. miss you lady!