It was just 3 years ago I launched my first Dream Team for High School Seniors. I am not currently on my 4th team, and it really amazes me that I get to work with these young adults all the time. They uplift me, inspire me, and push me to be better at what I do. Part of my mission is to help teens and young adults achieve greatness through improving their self-worth. I know it can be a struggle finding the inner confidence to do the things you want to do in your life.
This is WHY I started my Dream Team.
To give these teens a place to belong.
To give these teens a place to feel loved.
To give these teens a place to learn from each other, grow and become more confident in their abilities and passions on this earth.
Since that initial launch, I knew I wanted to work with younger grades(not just specifically Junior and High School Seniors). So last year I rounded up my ideas, and launched my first Dream Team Jr program for 7th through 10th grade.
Even though I had some amazing girls on my team, I felt like I was falling short on what I was delivering to my younger members. It wasn’t too long after I launched the Jr team that I was inspired by another photographer who lives in North Carolina. With her guidance, I then turned my team into a program where we meet on a monthly basis for amazing shoots, and my members will get a beautiful product at the end of our 12 months together.
Each month our shoots are different.
Each month I try to give my girls something to look forward to. An image of themselves they will look at and be proud to share.
This last month, January, our theme was Queen of Hearts. And boy did my girls rock it! Take a look below at the images we created! If you or someone you know may be interested in joining the Dream Team Jr, click HERE and you can read all about the program and how to apply!