My son is 3 years old.
I am constantly trying to get him to resolve conflicts when someone is being mean to him with 3 simple words.
"No Thank You"
We renfource there should be no other actions taking place.
We are always saying
"No Biting"
"No Hitting"
"No throwing toys at someone"
"No shoving"
"No kicking"
And the list goes on and on...
And when someone does this to him and he comes to tell on them. I say to him again. Just tell them "No Thank You!" and walk away. I did not just come across this on my own. My parents tried to teach me the same thing. When someone was mean to me, made fun of me, or hit me. You tell them no, and leave the situation.
Its our first instinct when we are young to do this when someone wrongs us. We ignore them, confront them, stick up for ourselves. We do something to let them know that they are being mean. They have hurt our feelings, and they are wrong about us. We find our own way to get out of that situation.
No Thank You means No stop doing that, you are being mean.
But what happens when the person being mean to us, is not the child on the playground, or the kid in the class?
What happens when the person making fun of you, or yelling rude things is...
Does the same rule apply then? Do we tell ourselves "No Thank You Mean Voice in My Head. Please don't talk to me like that?"
Or do we feel its ok b/c we are doing it to ourselves. The little voices in our head our yelling at us and telling us we are not good enough?.
I am someone who struggles with self-doubt and self-sabotage all of the time. You will hear people say "I'm my own worst critic".
But why? Why do you feel its ok to bad mouth yourself, but not other people. The same rules should apply to you when you are putting yourself down.
The time is NOW to stop this cycle. I want you to remember this next time you start to say, "I'm fat" or "I'm just too stupid to remember that" or "I look awful in that photo".
STOP right there..and tell that little voice...
I have made a fun printable for you to remind yourself every day. Copy this, print it, put it on your wall, or share it with someone you love. Post it on instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Anywhere you please.
Help spread the word that YOU ARE AMAZING..and that YOU ARE WORTH It. You have something to offer this world! Tell that tiny voice who is being mean to you. "No Thank You"
I would love to hear your thoughts or stories, so please leave them in the comments below. Remember, it is a life long battle, but we should all be a little more kind to ourselves.:)