How many times have you sat and thought..
"I have SO MUCH TO DO!!! I have no idea how I am going to get all of this done today."
"I need more hours in the day"
"These tasks are never going to get finished"
Well I'm here to help you conquer the never ending "To Do" list that you have in your life.
There are a slew of cool apps and features that are supposed to make you more productive throughout your day. They have timers and bells, and all sort of fun pop ups. I'm sure they would even sing for you in they wanted. But I'm about to share with you my favorite tools I use to get more things accomplished in my day.
Hello world....
Meet Pen and Paper
My favorite way to stay on track, keep motivated, and to accomplish more things that I ever thought possible is to make a good old fashion to do list! Writing out what I need to accomplish signals my brain that I have actionable steps to take to accomplish something.
Now I know what you may be thinking..that seems easy, I can do that. But the truth is, the all powerful To Do list can be a source of good, and a source of evil. I'm here to share with you my 5 most valuable tips that will turn you in to a rock star of your to do list. Ready?!
1.) Do not overstuff your morning to do list! That is right. I said MORNING to do list. I make TWO lists. One at night, my brain dump list(more on that farther down), and one in the morning.
In todays world, everything must get accomplished, and must get accomplished NOW! There is no waiting anymore. We want instant gratification or else we move on. In business that can be detrimental to our success. In our personal lives, it can feel as though we never accomplish one task, just starting a whole bunch without truly finishing one. This is why I make two lists. My first list is a "brain dump" at night..or sometimes throughout the day. This list is meant to capture EVERYTHING you need to do. It can be as little as scoop the cat litter. But it needs to be everything that is on your mind. When you do this type of brain dump at night, you sleep much better. It's like telling your mind..take a break for about 8 hours or so, I got this. When you wake up in the morning, you will have your brain dump list to work with to compile your morning list.
I then compile my morning list of what I need to accomplish that day, or in a couple of days. I do this while I am having my coffee, or breakfast, or feeding my children. It happens first thing in the morning...well honestly, its second..drinking my first cup of coffee is first!
2.) Categorize your items- Must get done ASAP, Quick small tasks, Longer than 20 min tasks.
I categorize my items into three different types. The first is the things that I have to do RIGHT AWAY that day. It could be return emails, package up some products for pick up, retouch or make a custom album, make cookies for child's class in the afternoon. Anything that has a quick deadline.
The second field is quick small tasks. I recommend taking a break about every 40-45 min of straight working, especially if you are sitting down, so you can stretch and move. Take your mind off work or your home/children. These small tasks may be empty dishwasher, wipe down bathroom, buy Taylors birthday present on Amazon. Any tasks that only take you 4-8 min that you can do while on break. I can not tell you how much I accomplish when sprinkling these in through out my day. I am the only one in my business, and I am also home with my 4 month old daughter all day, and my son some other days. It can be tricky balancing all of them. This is why I don't try to. My small tasks list helps add the small things to my day without overwhelming me.
The last field is the "longer than 20 min" list. This happens to me all of the time. I put on my to do list. Redo website, or update marketing, or make a marketing campaign for a future date. And sometimes it's clean house. HA well that is setting me up for failure. Anytime you bombard your to do list with tasks that have multiple parts, or feel like you need to sit down for 6 hours straight, you will never get past the first line. You need to take those long tasks, and break them up into 15-20 min pieces. You may only get to 2-3, 20 min segments in one day, but after a whole week, you have accomplished your whole project. You have fresh eyes each time you come back to it, and you are not stuck on just 1 line of your list for the whole day.
3.) Set a timer and shut everything else off.
I find when I have a deadline, or only a certain amount of time to finish something, I get so much done. Ever planned a trip and you decided to get 25 tasks done before you go? Or have a party and you manage to clean your ENTIRE house, and repaint the deck, and wash all the windows just two days before. If you are like me, you thrive on deadlines. It's the days you wake up and don't have many appointments, you slack. Use the simple timer on your phone, and set it for 15-20 min depending on your given task, and just work. Turn off your email notifications, silence your phone, and don't answer calls. Just work uninterrupted on your task at hand. I promise you will accomplish much more. And don't forget SOCIAL MEDIA. GET OFF IT during work. We all love it, we are all addicted to it(me too!) but it is a time suck, and is just not acceptable to be on your "to do" list. Do that at night when you are vegging, or heck while you are on the toilet(don't pretend you didn't look at Facebook while you were on the toilet!)
4.) Give yourself a break.
Don't be afraid to tell yourself it's ok if you don't get the list done. This is where the evil of the list comes in. We feel like failures when you don't accomplish everything on that list. It's ok. Things come up throughout the day, so don't get down on yourself. My 4 month old may not sleep as well some days, so I can't get as much done. Tell yourself you did good when you get something done on the list, and don't dwell on the things that didn't. Add those things to your brain dump list at night, get a good nights sleep..and come back to it the next day! (unless it's homework, or assignment for your boss that is DUE ASAP, don't use this excuse and quote me!)
This is my biggest tip. Pick up that pen..and cross off your item on your list and say "done". Our brain sends signals to us of accomplishment and happiness when we get to check off the list and say the words done. It's a great feeling and it keeps you motivated to do the next thing on your list. Just think..when you have a list of 5 items on your list for that day, you will feel AMAZING when they are all crossed off!!! It always gives me energy to get the next item accomplished. Sometimes I can even go to my brain dump list and do a few more things that I had not initially planned to do that day!
I get asked all the time how I do so much, and honestly some days I don't know. But all of these tips, and especially number 5 really is a HUGE reason why I accomplish so much! I hope these have helped you. And please leave a comment with your to do list tips, or how you get through your tasks. I always love to hear from you!