Today I almost started crying and walked out of a yoga class about 20 min into it.
I stood there, attempting to do tree pose, and looked around at everyone. Everyone else looked like they belonged there and I was a fat chubby lady who was trying to keep up. I started to feel total anxiety and could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
So instead of packing up all of my belongings and running for the hills, I decided to stand my ground and just be present with what I could do in that moment, and just that day. No more comparing myself to the others in the room. They didn’t do anything to make me feel that way, nor did the instructor. I needed to recongize that I was letting myself go down a dark rabbit hole and needed to change my perspective. Just be me at that time.
And really, that is all that I could ask for.
Do what I can, with what I have, with the time that I have TODAY.
No matter if it is yoga or school or a job, that is all any of us have. It’s how you view that time and how you use it that makes the biggest difference.
I made a promise to myself that I wanted to move my body everyday. Today I took a step towards that end goal. I wasn’t perfect, nor did I feel good about everything that I did. But I did it.
Yes, there are days I fail. I let the days circumstances, or my work, or my children sometimes get in the way as an excuse, but today I took a step in the right direction.
The next thing I have to do, is do it again tomorrow.
This whole thing that we call life is a process. You are born, and you need to learn to crawl. You try and try and sometimes fall flat on your face, but eventually you crawl. Then you need to learn to stand on your own. You start with help from your surroundings, family and friends, but eventually you can stand on your own. Then you have to figure out how to walk on your own, then run. Each time you try to take a step, you may fall. But some point in take a step, then another, then another.