“I need to lose weight before I get many photo taken again.”
“I am not good at makeup, so I just can’t get my photo taken.”
“Nobody wants to see my face in my business/social media/etc”
“I don’t have any clothes, I have to go shopping.”
“I hate getting my photo taken, I’m not photogenic”
I am about 25 lbs heavier than I was at this time last year, and probably a good 40-45 lbs heavier than I would like to be; to feel normal and myself again.
“You just had a baby” you may be thinking. And true, I did...but it still doesn’t change the fact I feel fat, gross and not my best self. I for sure don’t feel like getting my photos taken, let alone post them, for everyone to pick apart and judge me.
But if you are in a position that you need a headshot, then you must be thinking people need to see who you are. Meaning, you are in a job, or looking for a job, or owning your own business where YOU interact with your clients. And guess what, people want to know and see who YOU are.
It is fact, that people now buy from people. No longer do people just go buy products and not know much about them. They do their research(hello internet!). They find out, where did the products originate, how did they start their company, where is this food grown, etc. Consumers want to trust who and what they are buying.
Think of the last time you bought something, or invested in something. How did you choose that product. Did you know the maker/owner? Was it a referral from a good friend? Did you find you trusted them? Know their story? This is what people do, they buy from people they know, like and trust. And what better way to showcase that people can know, like and trust YOU is to have an updated photo that shows off who you are!
So to further prove my theory here, I did my own head shots(45 lbs heavier and all). Now let's chat about my favorite key points to think about when you are planning your head shots.
Do different looks, or outfit changes. They can change up a feeling of your head shot.
- know you may be thinking, I really only need 1 photo to use on my website, social media, business cards, LinkedIn, to send out, email signature, billboards, advertisements, etc. The list you need a portrait for starts to grow. Now think about what happens every time you change your Facebook profile photo. People start to “like” and “comment” on that photo. Bringing you first to mind with them. And maybe after the second time you change your profile pic, some of those people are looking for the services you provide. BOOM you just hit their mind and their news feed. By having different looks, or outfits, you can change up your photo more often in the areas you need over the next year.
2.) Don’t just do the standard headshot.
-You no longer need to just have the standard head and shoulders image for your headshot. You can start to incorporate more of your personality, or even more of your job, or the things you love. This all provides your viewer with an ability to connect with you on more of a personal level.
3.) Try different lighting techniques.
-This can be something you discuss with your photographer. Different lighting can elicit different moods. Maybe you want something fun and playful to use on social media when you have a fun announcement to make. The lighting should compliment this. Maybe you need to have some serious images to showcase that you are a force to be reckoned with. Again lighting plays a big role in making that feeling come across to the view. It’s fun to have a variety of options to choose from.
4.) DO get hair and makeup done(yes guys you too!)
-Now I can retouch almost anything, but to make yourself feel better, honestly hair and makeup is a super easy thing to add to your session. Having someone professionally do your make up and hair, even for men, makes you feel more confident in front of the camera. This works I promise!(or the movie stars wouldn’t do it). Thankfully I work with the BEST hair and makeup ladies and trust everything they do!
5.) HAVE FUN and don’t worry.
-I always try to let my clients know that I am a professional photographer. We learn how to light and pose for every body type and I have studied this stuff(and continue to) for years to make sure you love your photos. This shouldn’t be stressful or a chore, think of it as a fun day out of pampering where you happen to get some awesome images of yourself in the end!
AND yes it is totally ok to have amazing images of yourself that you LOVE and are proud to share.
Here is a series of images that are retouched vs non-retouched
So if you are ready, it’s not too late for you to get awesome pics this year. Yes I'm talking to YOU, the one who has been saying she needs a new headshot for the last 3 years!
March I’m launching an all new personal branding session and to get a sneak peek into it, I’m offering a headshot special. These are my only sessions that I offer all digital images for too!
Studio headshot sessions(2 retouched digital images) are only $99(normally $175).
Location headshot sessions(4 retouched digital iamges are only $150(normally $349)
You can add hair and makeup to any session for $100
If you want in on this special for March, give me a call at 517-392-1190 or shoot me an email carrie@freelandphotos.com I would love to chat with you about what your photo needs are in your business or career and how we can make them fabulous!